Бурина Ирина Феликсовна

Irina F. Burina

Senior Lecturer


In 1984 I graduated from the Department of Philosophy department, Faculty of History, Belarusian State University (with honors).

In 1984-1993 I worked at the Laboratory of Sociological Research of BSU.

In 1993-1995 I was a Research Fellow at the Department of Sociology, BSU.

In 1995-1998, I was Lecturer of Department of Social Communication (formerly, Department of Information and Communication), Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, BSU.

Since 1999, I have worked as Senior Lecturer at the Department of Social Communication. I have also participated in many research projects as data analyst and reporter (e.g., "The Shaping of Legal Consciousness among Students", "Mass Media in the Republic of Belarus as a Transitional Society", etc.).


In teaching, I have contributed to the learning pack "Methodology and Methods of Communication Research" and have developed courses on Political Communication.

I am currently teaching the following courses:

  • Methodology and Methods of Sociological Research
  • Political communication
  • Political marketing

Research Interests:

  • Methodology and Methods of Sociological Research
  • Political Communication
  • Socialand Political Technologies