Калачёва Ирина Ивановна

Irina I. Kalachova

Head of Social Communication Department

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor

Personal e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Google Scholar profile



  1. I. Kalachova, The belarusian family and marriage in the historic retrospective and perspective / I. Kalachova. – Minsk:RIHE, 2012. – 124 p., 2 pic.
  2. I. Kalachova, The ethnocultural processesin belarusian city familiesin the last third of ХХ – the beginning of ХХІ centuries: the monography / I. Kalachova. – Minsk: Belarusian science, 2009. – 266 p., 4 pic.
  3. I. Kalachova, A family in the modern belarusian society: the reality andthe perspectives of development / I. Kalachova. – Minsk:RIHE, 2008. 77 p.

Book Chapters

  1. I. Kalachova, The family life of towns people / I. Kalachova // The history of belarusian culture. In 4 vol. Vol. 2. Town culture in Х-the beginning of ХХ centuries. / A. Lakotko et al.; edited by A. Lakotko. – Minsk: Belarusian science, 2014.
  2. I. Kalachova, The urban family / I. Kalachova // Belarusians: the moderne thnocultural processes / G. Kasperovichetal.; NAScofBelarus, The institute of art knowledge, ethnography and folklore. – Minsk: Belarusian science, 2009. – P. 89–149.


  1. I. Kalachova, Youth and the polycultural education in belarusian higher education: the textbook for higher education executives / I. Kalachova. – Minsk : Theseus, 2003. – 158 p.
  2. I. Kalachova, The folk traditions and upbringing traditions: ethnopedagogical heritage of the belarusian people / I. Kalachova. – Minsk : The national institute of education, 1999. – 179 p.
  3. I. Kalachova. A good root gives a good shoot: ethnopedagogical traditions of belarusian peoplein children upbringing: the textbook for pre-school teachers / I. Kalachova – Minsk : ScMCenter, 1999. – 124 p.

Edited Collections

  1. Organizational, pedagogical and ideological basics of working with youthin higher education system. The collection of scientific articles / Edited by I. Kalachova, S. Kulesh– Minsk: RIHE, 2005. – 121 p.
  2. The dictionary for social teachers and social workers. – 2nd edition. / Edited by I. Kalachova, Y. Kolominsky, A. Levko – Minsk: Belarusian Encyclopedia, 2003.– 253 p.
  3. The professional culture of asocial teacher / S. Valahanovich, O. Lipnevich, I. Kalachovaet al.; edited by I. Kalachova. – Minsk: NIE, 2002.– 120p.
  4. The social pegagogics: the experience of dictionary handbook / EditedbyI. Kalachova, Y. Kolominsky, A.Levko– Minsk: NIE, 2000. – 213 p.
  5. The problems of the social pedagogics in school: scientific and methodic materials for social teachers / Edited by I. Kalachova. Minsk, 1999. – 164 p.

Editor of Scientific Journals

  1. Modern Youth and Society: A Collection of Scientific Articles. Issue 1: The demographical security and the reproductive health of youth / EditedbyI. Kalachova. – Minsk:RIHE, 2013. – 94 p.
  2. Modern Youth and Society: A Collection of Scientific Articles. Issue 2: Theyouthin the society of risks andhistorical and cultural changes / EditedbyI. Kalachova.– Minsk:RIHE, 2014. – 106 p.