
Andrew Schumann (ed.), Logic in Religious Discourse. Ontos Verlag: Frakfurt, Paris, Landkaster, New Brunswick, 2010.

ISBN: 978-3-86838-061-3


Knocking on Heaven's Door is the oldest human dream that seems unrealized still. Religious discourse does show the road, but it requires a blind faith in return. In this book logicians try to hear Heaven's Call and to analyze religious discourse. As a result, the notion of religious logic as a part of philosophical logic is introduced. Its tasks are (1) to construct consistent logical systems formalizing religious reasoning that at first sight seems inconsistent (this research is fulfilled within the limits of modal logic, paraconsistent logic and many-valued logic), (2) to carry out an illocutionary analysis of religious discourse (this research is fulfilled in frames of illocutionary logics), and (3) to formalize Ancient and Medieval logical theories used in the theology of an appropriate religion (they could be studied within the limits of unconventional logics, such as non-monotonic logics, non-well-founded logics, etc.).


About the editor

Andrew Schumann is associate professor at the Department of Philosophy and Science Methodology at the Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus. His research focuses on logic and philosophy of science with an emphasis on non-well-founded phenomena: self-references and circularity. He contributed mainly to such research areas as reasoning under uncertainty, probability reasoning, non-Archimedean mathematics, as well as their applications to cognitive science.