Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation
In the process of teaching students the specialty "Social Work" (in the directions 1-86 01 01 02 "socio-psychological activity" and 1-86 01 01 03 “socio-rehabilitation activity”) courses on a wide range of topics are taught in accordance with the standard and curricula.
These courses allow you to prepare a future specialist in social work not only at a high theoretical level, but also to form skills that ensure the success of the graduate of the department in practical activities.
In order to integrate theory and practice, the department conducts field classes at practical bases (Republican Scientific Practical Center "Mental Health", State Institution "Minsk City Center for Social Services for Families and Children", Secondary School № 108 of Minsk, Territorial Centers for Social Services, Minsk city dolphinarium "Nemo", "Center for Autistic Children Assistance", etc.).
During the training period, various types of training and industrial practice are organized (orientation, socio-psychological, socio-rehabilitation, undergraduate). In the process of training, students are actively engaged in research, public and volunteer activities.
The Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation provides the teaching of the following academic disciplines at the first level of higher education:
Anatomy and physiology
Introduction to the specialty
Business Communication
Employment and regulation
Innovative approaches to social work at home and abroad
Crisis psychology
Social and social care
Medical psychology
Methods and technologies of social work
The basics of medical knowledge
Fundamentals of Neuropsychology
Basics of psychological counseling and psychotherapy
Ergonomics and Occupational Health
The pedagogical foundations of social work
Prison and post-prison rehabilitation
Post-sports rehabilitation
Career guidance and rehabilitation
Disability prevention and rehabilitation
Career guidance and labor adaptation
The psychological foundations of social work
Psychology of aggression and violence
Communication psychology
Psychology of a professional career
Psychology of marital relations
Family psychology
Rehabilitation Gerontology
Rehabilitation psychotherapy
Rehabilitation of people with deviant behavior
Social medicine
Social Statistics and Demographics
Social and psychological work with people at risk (Social work with minors at risk. Social work with people with deviant behavior)
Theoretical foundations of social work (History of social work. Theory of social work. Methodology and methods of social work)
Trainings (socio-psychological and correctional) (Theory and methodology of training. Training of personal growth. Socio-psychological training. Workshop)
Physiological basis of rehabilitation
Building a successful career
Private rehabilitation
Economic and managerial foundations of social work
Ethics of Social Work
The Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation provides training for undergraduates of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences in the specialties: "Social Psychology" and "Rehabilitation" and provides the teaching of academic disciplines at the second level of higher education:
Actual problems of personality psychology
Actual problems of family psychology
Methodology and methods of experimental research in psychology
Design and fundraising in rehabilitation
Vocational rehabilitation
Psychology of a professional career
Psychology of management
Rehabilitation workshop
Modern trends in the psychology of communications