Лещинская Ирина Ивановна

Iryna I. Liashchynskaya

Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor

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The author of more than 40 scientific published works on problems of philosophy, culturology and aesthetics. Main publications:

  1. Liashchynskaya, I. Role of science' ideals and norms in the development of Classical Philosophy // Herald of Belarusian State University. Ser. III. - 1986.- №3. - P.48-51.
  2. Liashchynskaya, I. Problem of freedom in the creative work of Berdyaev N.A. // Deposition. Institute for Scientific Information of the Russian Academy of Sciences № 48376 dd. 23. 07. 1993. - 25 p.
  3. Liashchynskaya, I. Antonin Artaud // Post-modernism. Encyclopedia. Minsk: Interpresservice, 2001. - P.46-48.
  4. Liashchynskaya, I. Samuel Beckett // Post-modernism. Encyclopedia. Minsk: Interpresservice, 2001. - P.66-68.
  5. Liashchynskaya, I. Monadology // History of philosophy. Encyclopedia. Minsk: Interpresservice , 2002. - P.638-640.
  6. Liashchynskaya, I. Philosophy of Modern Age. Educational-methodical complex for students of philosophy department / Minsk: BSU publish., 2003. - 89 p.
  7. Liashchynskaya, I. - Theater of the Absurd, S. Beckett: experience of the existential drama // Art and Philosophy. Minsk: BSU publish., 2007. - P. 70-75.
  8. Liashchynskaya, I. Mass culture in the society // Encyclopedia for schoolboys and students in 12 volumes. V.1 Information society. XXI century. Minsk. "Petrus' Brouka Belarusian Encyclopedia". 2009. - P.446-447.
  9. Liashchynskaya, I. F. Gülen's Ideas in the Value System of the Globalizing World / I. Liashchynskaya // Socio-philosophical Aspects of F. Gülen'sTeaching: A View of Belarusian Scientists. - Minsk: Belarus. the Navigator, 2012. - P.64-78.
  10. Liashchynskaya, I Reception of the ideas of the West European Enlightenment in the cultural space of Belarus in the second half of the 18th and early 19th centuries // Historical and philosophical studies in the Eastern Europe region: experience, tasks, sociocultural significance: materials of the international scientific conference. Minsk, April 26, 2013 / Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk: Law and Economics, 2013. - P. 40-50.
  11. Liashchynskaya, I.The New European idea of the method and value of the Enlightenment. I. Liashchynskaya // Philosophy and Social Sciences. - 2015.– №1. P. 12-16.
  12. Liashchynskaya, I.Philosophy of modern times: textbook. In 2 parts. Part. 1. The XVII century / I. Liashchynskaya. - Minsk: BSU, 2016. - 151 p.
  13. Liashchynskaya, I.The Problem of the Method in the Context of Early Modern European Philosophy / I.Liashchynskaya // Philosophical and Cultural Studies [Electronic resource]: col. articles. Issue.2 / edited. A. Legchilina, T. Rumyantseva. - Minsk: BSU, 2016. - P. 78 - 85.
  14. Assoc. Prof. Viera Jakubovská, PhD., Assoc. Prof. Iryna, I. Liashchynskaya, PhD. THE ´UPSIDE-DOWN´ WORLD AS AN EXPRESSION OF THE MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE CARNIVAL CULTURE, 2017.  In: SGEM 2017: 4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts. Antropology,  Archeology, History, Philosophy, Medial & Renaissance Studies. Book 2, Volume II. 24 -30 August, 2017 Albena. - Sofia : STEF92 Technology, 2017. - ISBN 978-619-7408-18-8, P. 669-675.
  15. Liashchynskaya, I., Jakubovská, V. HumanitiesEducationasPlaceforCultural-HistoricalMemory/ Konštantínovelisty / Constantine ’sLettersVolume 10, Issue 2 / 2017. Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia/. P. 191-203.