Tatsiana G. RumyantsevaDoctor of Philosophy, Professor
An author of 500 scientific publications.
In Russian
- Critical Analysis of Human Aggression Theories, Minsk ,1982;
- Aggression: Problems and Searches in Western Philosophy and Science, Minsk, 1991;
- The German Transcendental Philosophy of the End of 18 - Beginning of 19 Centuries, Minsk ,1999;
- The Philosophy of Kant, Minsk, 2004.
- The Hinduism. Minsk, 2006 (Co-Author).
- Friedrich Nietzsche. Minsk, 2008.
- Oswald Spengler, Minsk, 2008.
- Emanuel Swedenborg. Minsk, 2011(Co-Author).
- The Newest Philosophical Glossary, (Co-Editor, Co-author), 1999, 2001, 2003;
- The Universal Encyclopedia. Philosophy. (Co-Editor, Co-Author), 2002;
- The History of Philosophy. Encyclopedia. (Co-Editor, Co-Author), 2002;
- The Universal Encyclopedia. Philosophy. ХХ Century. (Co-Editor, Co-Author); 2002.
- The Newest Philosophical Glossary. Postmodernism. (Co-Editor, Co-Author, );
- Psychoanalysis. Encyclopedia. (Co-Editor, Co-Author), 2009.
- Articles in such authoritative journals as «Voprosy Philosophii», «Voprosy Psikhologii», «Kant' Sbornick», etc.
- The History of Sociology (Co-Editor), Minsk, 1997;
- The Logic. Minsk, 2003.
- The Modern Western Philosophy, 2000 (editor-in-chief).
- The German Transcendental Philosophy of the End of 18 - Beginning of 19 Centuries, Minsk , 2008.
- The Modern Western Philosophy, 2009 (editor-in-chief).
Publications In English:
- The Problem of Control and Prevention of Human Aggression // Abstracts of the 9th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Uppsala, August 7-14, 1991, v.III.P.195-196.
In Polish:
- Podstawy religijne pluralizmu cywilizacyjnego na obszarze postkomunistycznym // Drogi I Rozdroza Kultury Chrzesciyanskiey Europy. Czestochowa 30.04.- 2.05.2003.
- Konstruowanie chrzescijanskiego projektu przyszlosci jako sposob uratowania historycznej terazniejszosci // Dziedzictwo Chrzescijnskiego Wschodu i Zachodu. Czestochowa. 2006. S.681-690.
- Fryderyk Nietzsche: Apostata Czy Obronca Wiary Chrzescijanskiej? // W Poszukiwaiu Pravdy. Chrzescijanska Europa Miedzy Wiara A Polityka/ Czestochowa 2010/s.341-348.