Victoria V. AnohinaCandidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Work experience:
Dates: 2003
Occupation or position: held Associate professor of the Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science
Main activities and responsibilities: Lecturing for the graduate and postgraduate students; elaborating curricular plans and training programmes for the distinctive subjects, preparing textbooks and teacher's guides; carrying out of scientific researches; instructing the work of research degree students as a scientific supervisor
Name and address of employer: Belarusian State University 4, Nezavisimosti ave, 220030 Minsk (Belarus)
Type of business or sector: Higher Education Institution
Dates: 2000 - 2003
Occupation or position held: Senior Lecture of the Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Scienc
Main activities and responsibilities: Lecturing for the graduate university students; delivering seminars and colloquiums for the postgraduate university students; carrying out of scientific researches
Name and address of employer: Belarusian State University 4, Nezavisimosti ave, 220030 Minsk (Belarus)
Type of business or sector: Higher Education Institution
Dates: 1990 - 2000
Occupation or position held: Lecture of the Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science
Main activities and responsibilities: Delivering seminars and colloquiums for the graduate university students; carrying out of scientific researches
Name and address of employer: Belarusian State University 4, Nezavisimosti ave, 220030 Minsk (Belarus)
Type of business or sector: Higher Education Institution
Education and training
Dates: 22 June 2000
Title of qualification awarded: PhD in Philosophy, Diploma of Researcher (the Academic Degree of Candidate of Science)
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered: Social Philosophy, PhD Dissertation title: "Cultural tradition as the mechanism of transitive societies' social dynamics" / defending the PhD dissertation; planning and carrying out of the original research
Name and type of organisation providing education and training: Belarusian State University (University) 4, Nezavisimosti ave, 220030 Minsk (Belarus)
Level in national or international classification: Level 6 in ISCED
Dates: 18 November 1988 - 20 December 1990
Title of qualification awarded: Postgraduate Diploma
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered: Philosophy and Methodology of Science, Epistemology and Logic of Science, Social Philosophy and Political Science / Technique of lecturing, applying contemporary research methods
Name and type of organisation providing education and training: Belarusian State University (University) 4, Nezavisimosti ave, 220030 Minsk (Belarus)
Level in national or international classification: Level 6 in ISCED
Dates: 25 August 1982 - 22 June 1988
Title of qualification awarded: Honours Diploma on Higher Education
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered: Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Social Philosophy and Social Studies, Economics, Political Science, Cultural Science and History of Culture, English Language, etc. / lecturing and researching
Name and type of organisation providing education and training: Belarusian State University (University) 4, Nezavisimosti ave, 220030 Minsk (Belarus)
Level in national or international classification: Level 5 in ISCED
Personal skills and competences
Mother tongue(s): Russian, Belarussian
Other language(s): English (Independent user), Polish (Basic User)
Social skills and competences: Good communication skills gained through my work as a lecturer, teacher and moderator of seminars and debates. I have a team research work experience in three interdisciplinary and two international research projects.
Organisational skills and competences: Some experience in research project management and postgraduate students' scientific supervisor. I have a good experience in organization of scientific conferences and seminars for young researchers.
Computer skills and competences: I am proficient user of Microsoft Office™ tools (Word™, Excel™ and PowerPoint™); good command of Photoshop, Picasa and Paint.Net.
Artistic skills and competences: Certificate of the designer by the Belarusian Art and Trading PR Agency (1981).
Additional information:
I'm the author of more than 70 publications, including 59 peer-reviewed scientific books, articles and reports. Among them 2 monographs, 10 chapters in scientific books, 22 articles in research journals of Belarus, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, 25 articles in conference proceedings, 10 textbooks, 6 publications intended for the general public are published by results of my previous scientific researches and pedagogical work.
The ten most important peer-reviewed scientific publications are the following:
Monographs and chapters in research books:
1. Anohina, V.V. Cultural Traditions and the Ecological Aspects of Social Dynamics: monograph / V.V. Anohina. - Minsk : Gamma-5, 2003. - 160 p.
2. Anthology of Ecological Thought: Vol. 1 - 3 / Ed. by A.I. Zelenkov. - Minsk: Harvest, 2003 - 2006. - Vol. 1 : The East Slavs / A.I. Zelenkov, V.V. Anohina, E.V. Khomitch and others; Ed. by A.I. Zelenkov. - Minsk: Harvest, 2003. - 656 p.; Vol. 2 : The West-European Civilization / A.I. Zelenkov, V.V. Anohina, E.V. Khomitch and others; Ed. by A.I. Zelenkov. - Minsk: Harvest, 2003. - 896 p.; Vol. 3 : The Eastern Civilizations / A.I. Zelenkov, V.V. Anohina, E.V. Khomitch and others; Ed. by A.I. Zelenkov. - Minsk: Harvest, 2006. - 944 p.
3. Anohina, V.V. Ethno-cultural Tradition and the Prospects of Ecological Education Development in the Belarus / V.V. Anohina // Człowiek - Środowisko - Kultura w polsko-białoruskim dialogu / Redaktorzy naukowi : A. Zelenkov; W. Lenart. - Pułtusk - Mińsk: WSH, 2004. - S. 115 - 139.
4. Anohina, V.V. Modern Tourism as the Socio-ecological Project / V.V. Anohina // Kanał Augustowski i wspołczesna ekoturystyka / Redaktorzy naukowi : Witold Lenart, Anatoly Zelenkov. - Pułtusk ; Mińsk ; Grodno, 2008. - S. 69 - 80.
5. Sustainable Development and the Socio-ecological Quality of Life Parameters: scientific book / Victoria V. Anohina and others; Ed. by Anatoly I. Zelenkov. - Minsk: BSU, 2011. - 292 p. - Rus. - Dep. in the Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support for Scientific and Technical Sphere (SO "BelISA") 31.05.2011 г., № D201113. - URL:
Journal articles:
6. Anochina, W.W. Współczesna turystyka oraz ryzyko ekologiczne : aspekt regionalny / Wiktoria W. Anochina // STUDIA Mazowieckie. Rok IV/X. - Pułtusk - Ciechanów, 2008. - Nr. 1 - 2. - S. 145 - 154.
7. Anohina, V.V. Sustainable Tourism as Social Innovation and the Model of Ecological Education / V.V. Anohina // STUDIA Mazowieckie. Rok IV/XI - Nr. 1-2. - Pułtusk -Ciechanów, 2009. - S. 181 - 190.
8. Anohina, V.V. The Cultural Traditions and Paradoxes of the China's Modernization at present time / V.V. Anohina // Belarusian State University Bulletin: the Research Journal "Vesnik BSU". Series III. History. Philosophy. Psychology. Political science. Sociology. Economics. Law. - 2009. - № 1. - P. 48 - 58.
9. Anohina, V.V. Cultural Tradition in the Context of Modern Social Dynamics / V.V. Anohina // The Humanitarian Bulletin of the Zaporozye's State Engineering Academy : research book / Ed. by V.G. Voronkova. - Vol. 42. - Zaporozye : ZSEA, 2010. - С. 89 - 101.
10. Anohina, V.V. The Modern Stage of Globalization and the Prospects of Belarusian Society's Socio-cultural Dynamics / V.V. Anohina // Proceedings of the Second International Scientific Congress "Globalistics - 2011: Ways to Strategic Stability and the Problem of Global Governance", Moscow, Lomonosow Moscow State University, 18 - 22 May 2011 / Ed. By Igor I. Abylgaziev, Ilya V. Ilyin. In 2 Vol. - Vol. 2. - M. : Moscow University Press, 2011. - P. 40 - 41.
Experience abroad: I have a long-term experience of scientific and educational cooperation with researchers from Pultusk Academy of Humanities. I was the co-ordinator of the Polish-Belarusian Summer School - 2003 for graduate and post-graduate students which has been organised thanks to cooperation between BSU and Pultusk Academy of Humanities. Annually I have participating in the scientific conferences which has been organised by Pultusk Academy of Humanities.
Scientific interests: Social Philosophy and Political Sciences, Philosophy of Culture, Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, Contemporary Social Theories and Concepts of Modernization.
Personal interests: I like the modern art, architecture and classical music. Love to travel and experience different cultural traditions.