Inna V. GulisCandidate of Psychology, Associate Professor
Scientific publications:
- Gulis, I.V. Meta-analysis of the concept of aggression in official relations / I.V. Gulis // Psychological Journal. - 2008. - № 3. - p. 89-91.
- Gulis, I.V. Trends and prospects of studying aggression in official relations / I.V. Gulis // Philosophy and Social Sciences. - 2008. - № 3. - p. 69-72.
- Gulis, I.V. Features of aggression in the school teaching staff / I.V. Gulis, EA Semizhon // Vesnik of Belarusian State University. - 2009. - № 3. - p. 50-54.
- Gulis, I.V. Waiting for the consequences of aggression in official relations / I.V. Gulis // Psychological Journal. - 2010. - № 1. - p. 69-74.
- Gulis, I.V. manifestation of aggressiveness in official relations / I.V. Gulis // Philosophy and Social Sciences. - 2010. - № 3. - p. 35 -39.
- Furmanov, I.A. The problem of aggression in official relations / I.A. Furmanov, I.V. Gulis // Kіravanne u adukatsyі. - 2010. - № 5. - p. 13-18.
- Furmanov, I.A. Dynamics of the emotional state of an organization's employees, depending on the role in aggressive interactions / I.A. Furmanov, I.V. Gulis // Psychological Journal. - 2011. - № 1-2. - p. 33-39.
- Gulis, I.V. Peculiarities of the situational aggression / I.V. Gulis // Vesnik of Belarusian State University. - 2011. - № 3. - S. 43-46.
- Furmanov, I.A. Aggression in official relations: the adaptation of the method "The Aggression Scale in official relations" / I.A. Furmanov, IV Gulis // Psychological Journal. - 2012. - № 3-4. - p. 101-108.
- Gulis, I.V. The problem of aggression in the workplace / I.V. Gulis // Modern society as a problem field of the social sciences: Proceedings of the international. scientific. Conf., is dedicated. 85th anniversary of the Belarusian State University, Minsk, October 19-20, 2006 / BSU, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences 2007. - p.146-149.
- Furmanov, I.A. aggression in official relations employees of the organization / I. A. Furmanov , I.V. Gulis // Psychology of management activities in the information society: a collection of materials and reports Resp. scientific and practical. Conf., Minsk, April 12, 2007 / under total. Ed. NA batons. - Minsk: Acad. Ex. the President of the Republic of Belarus, 2007. - p. 144-148.
- Furmanov, I.A. victimization official relations staff organizations / I.A. Furmanov, I.V. Gulis // Psychology and sociology in business: current issues of the day: Proceedings of the Second International Congress, Minsk, 20-21 April 2007. - p. 21-23.
- Gulis, I.V. Age and sex and status differences in anticipation of the consequences of aggression in the workplace / I.V. Gulis // Psychology and sociology in business: current issues of the day: Proceedings of the Second International Congress, Minsk, 20-21 April 2007 g / BSPU; - Minsk: Bestprint, 2007. - p.153-155.
- Gulis, I.V. Impact assessment - a factor regulating the expression of aggression in official relations / I.V. Gulis // Psychosocial adaptation in transforming society: problems and prospects: materials ΙΙ Intern. scientific. Conf., Minsk, October 26, 2007 - p. 68-69.
- Gulis, I.V. The problem of aggressive interactions between employees of the organization / I.V. Gulis // Management of innovative activity in education and production: Materials Intern. scientific and practical. Conference (Minsk, 21-23 May 2008) / ed. E. Ya Ivashina, NY Novik. - Minsk: Belarusian National Technical University, 2008. - p. 66-69.
- Gulis, I.V. Aggression in official relations as a problem of professional self-determination / IV Goulis // Psychosocial and psychological support personal and professional self-determination in ontogenesis: Sat. Rep materials. scientific-practical conference. Conf., Brest, May 12, 2010: 2 hr. / Brest. state. Univ Pushkin; 2010 - Part 1. - p. 100-104.
- Gulis, I.V. The problem of aggression in professional dialogue / I.V. Goulis // Current state and prospects of development of the psychology of communication: Intern materials. scientific and practical. Conference Grodno, October 8-9, 2010. - p. 98-102.
- Furmanov, I.A. Aggression and victimization in official relations staff organizations / I.A. Furmanov , I.V. Gulis // Journal of Integrative Psychology. - 2010. - № 8. - p. 238-239.
- Gulis, I.V. Dynamics emotional state employees during aggressive interactions / I.V. Gulis // Psychosocial adaptation in a transformed society: the psychology of health and healthy lifestyle: Proceedings of the III International. Scientific Conference, Minsk, 19-20 May 2011. - p. 96-98.
- Gulis, I.V. Waiting for the consequences of aggression in the intra communication / I.V. Gulis // Communication in social and humanities, economics, education [electronic resource]: Proceedings of the III International. Scientific-Practical Conference, Minsk, 29- 31 March 2012 / (DVD-ROM).
- Gulis, I.V. Psychological factors of aggression in the management of labor organization / I.V. Gulis // Medical and Social Ecology of Personality: State and Perspectives: Proceedings of X Intern. Conference, Minsk, 6-7 April, 2012. - p. 25-27.
- Fourmanov, I.A. Victimization in Workplace Relations / I.A. Fourmanov, I.V. Gulis // X-th European Conference on Organization Psychology and Human Service Work "Work and organizational Psychology in Human Organizations: different European perspectives", Kyiv, 3-6 October 2007 . - Kyiv: Naukovyi svit, 2007. - p. 21.
Popular issues:
- Psychologist in business - who he is and where to find it. 2005.
- Source of modern business. 2006.
- Non progredi est regredi 2006.
Scientific and applied interests:
organizational psychology, management psychology, workplace aggression, psychology, self-regulation of behavior, personal growth, psychology impacts, efficiency and effectiveness of the individual, interpersonal communication.
Practical activities
- Head of Centre for Business Information and Consulting LTD "Scandia-Bel" from 2005.
- Professional competence:
- Organizational Consulting (individual and group work);
- Development, implementation and support of projects.
- The author's program "School koppirayterov";
- The author's program "School of HR managers"
- "Active sales"
- Author's training for the development of creativity "Down the rabbit hole."
- Authoring program to work with clients' objections - a stumbling block. "
- The author's program "Competency Model".
- The author's program "assessment center" and others.
- Coaching (individual, group: life, business).
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work tel. +37517 259 70 48