IMG 3525

Ekaterina S. Makeeva

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor

Google Scholar Citations

Teaching aids:

1. Kasyanik E.L., Makeeva E.S. Psychological diagnostics of self-consciousness of the individual: textbook.-method. allowance./ E.L. Kasyanik, E.S. Makeev. - Mozyr: Publishing House "Assistance", 2007. - 224 p.
2. Makeeva E.S. Psychology of journalism: textbook.-method. allowance.: At 2 pm / E.S. Makeev. - Minsk: Publishing House "Institute of Parliamentarism and Entrepreneurship", 2010. - Part 1. - 57 p.
3. Makeeva E.S. Psychology of journalism: textbook.-method. allowance.: At 2 pm / E.S. Makeev. - Minsk: Publishing House "Institute of Parliamentarism and Entrepreneurship", 2010. - Part 2. - 52 p.
4. Makeeva E.S. Psychological-diagnostic practice of students: textbook.-method. allowance./ E.S. Makeev. - Minsk: BSEU, 2012. - 41 p.
5. Makeeva E.S. Expert-consultative practice of students: textbook.-method. allowance./ E.S. Makeev. - Minsk: BSEU, 2013. - 53 p.
6. Makeeva, E.S. Fundamentals of psychodiagnostics. General psychodiagnostics: textbook.-method. allowance./ E.S. Makeev. - Minsk: BSEU, 2013. - 96 p.
7. Goronin, P.V., Makeeva E.S. Psychology of management: textbook.-method. allowance./ P.V. Goronin, E.S. Makeev. - Minsk: BSEU, 2014. - 160 p.


Educational and methodical complexes:

  1. Makeeva E.S. Psychodiagnostics: textbook.-method. complex for the specialty 1-23 01 04 "Psychology" / E.S. Makeev; ISGO BSEU, Dept. pedagogy and psychology. - Minsk: BSEU, 2016. - 129 p. - Bibliography: p. 128 - 129. Access mode: Dep. in BSEU 2016.
  2. Makeeva E.S. Communication technologies in psychology and management: textbook.-method. complex for the specialty 1-23 01 04 "Psychology" / E.S. Makeev; ISGO BSEU, Dept. pedagogy and psychology. - Minsk: BSEU, 2016. - 97 p. - Bibliography: p. 96 - 97. Access mode: Dep. in BSEU 2016.
  3. Makeeva, E.S. Psychology of activity and behavior: textbook.-method. complex for the specialty 1-23 01 04 "Psychology" / E.S. Makeev; ISGO BSEU, Dept. pedagogy and psychology. - Minsk: BSEU, 2019. - 133 p. - Bibliography: p. 132-133. Access mode: http:// Dep. at BSEU 2019.
  4. Makeeva, E.S. Psychology of conflict: textbook.-method. complex for the specialty 1-23 01 04 "Psychology" / E.S. Makeev; ISGO BSEU, Dept. pedagogy and psychology. - Minsk: BSEU, 2019. - 112 p. - Bibliography: p. 111 - 112. Access mode: http:// Dep. at BSEU 2019.
  5. Makeeva E.S. Socio-psychological training ucheb.-method. complex for the specialty 1-23 01 04 "Psychology" / E.S. Makeev; ISGO BSEU, Dept. pedagogy and psychology. - Minsk: BSEU, 2019. - 82 p. - Bibliography: p. 81 - 82 Access mode:: Dep. at BSEU 2019.
  6. Makeeva E.S. Psychology of human behavior in extreme conditions: studies.-method. complex for the specialty 1-23 01 04 "Psychology" / E.S. Makeev; ISGO BSEU, Dept. pedagogy and psychology. - Minsk: BSEU, 2020. - 255 p. - Bibliography: p. 254 - 255. Access mode: Dep. at BSEU 2020.
  7. Makeeva E.S. Theory and practice of psychological assistance: textbook.-method. complex for the specialty 1-23 01 04 "Psychology" / E.S. Makeev; ISGO BSEU, Dept. pedagogy and psychology. - Minsk: BSEU, 2020. - 246 p. - Bibliography: p. 245 - 246. Access mode: Dep. at BSEU 2020.
  8. Makeeva E.S. Fundamentals of psychological correction: textbook.-method. complex for the specialty 1-23 01 04 "Psychology" / E.S. Makeev; ISGO BSEU, Dept. pedagogy and psychology. - Minsk: BSEU, 2022. - 106 p. - Bibliography: p. 105 - 106. Access mode: Dep. in BSEU 2022.



  1. Makeeva, E.S. The system of value orientations of students-psychologists / E.S. Makeeva // "Scientific, social and cultural problems of student youth": Sat. Art. .// 3rd International scientific-practical. conf.: In 2 hours. / Rev. editor: A.A. Kovalenya - Minsk: BSPU im. M. Tanka, 2001. - Part 2. - P.26 - 29.
  2. Makeeva E.S. Dynamics of the structure of personality defense mechanisms in psychology students / E.S. Makeeva // 2nd theoretical. scientific-practical. seminar "Cognitive studies". Issue 2. "Cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence": Sat. Articles / Rep. editor: V.V. Golenkov - Minsk: Nessie, 2002. - P. 120 - 123.
  3. Makeeva E.S. Protective mechanisms of personality in the structure of the cognitive component of professional self-consciousness of students-psychologists / E.S. Makeeva // Actual problems of modern science: Sat. scientific works of graduate students and doctoral students of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University. M. Tanka. / Rev. editor: V.D. Old man: At 2 o'clock - Minsk: BSPU im. M. Tanka, 2002. - Part 2. - S. 28 - 30.
  4. Makeeva E.S. Typology of the development of professional self-consciousness of students-psychologists / E.S. Makeeva // Psychology. - 2003. - No. 2. - P.12 - 25.
  5. Kasyanik, E.L., Makeeva E.S. Professional self-awareness as a condition for the development of professional competence of a psychologist / E.L. Kasyanik, E.S. Makeeva // Actual problems of professional personality formation: Sat. scientific work of RIPO. /Answer. editor: E.L. Kasyanik - Minsk: RIPO, 2007. - S. 46 - 54.
  6. Makeeva E.S. Model of the dynamics of professional self-consciousness of future psychologists at the stage of vocational training / E.S. Makeeva // Adaptation to professional activity as a psychological and pedagogical problem: methodological foundations, ways and means of solution // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference: At 2 hours / Baranovichi, April 25, 2007 .: BGVPK. - Baranovichi, 2007. - Part 1.– C. 31 - 36.
  7. Makeeva E.S. The relationship between the mechanisms of psychological protection and the level of subjective control among students-political scientists / E.S. Makeeva // Psychological support of the educational process: Sat. scientific work of RIPO. /Answer. editor: E.L. Kasyanik - Minsk: RIPO, 2009. - S. 68 - 75.
  8. Makeeva E.S. Criteria for the effectiveness of the quality of professional training of students / E.S. Makeeva // Ways to improve the quality of professional training of students: Sat. Art. // International Scientific and Practical Conference: Minsk, April 22 - 23, 2010. - Minsk: RIVSH, 2010. - C. 71 - 75.
  9. Makeeva E.S. Features of the functioning of intrapersonal psychological protection at the stage of vocational training for students in the humanities / E.S. Makeeva // Psychological problems of professional development and professional education of the individual: Sat. Art.// II International Scientific and Practical Conference: Mozyr, May 20 - 21, 2010. - Mozyr: Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after I.P. Shamyakina, 2010. - P. 91 - 98.
  10. Makeeva, E.S. Crises of professional development and criteria for the effectiveness of professional training of students / E.S. Makeeva// Kiravanne at academia - 2010. - No. 10. - S. 24 - 29.
  11. Makeeva E.S. Protective personality profile and the system of individuality elements among students-economists / E.S. Makeeva // Psychological support of the educational process: Sat. scientific work of RIPO. /Answer. editor: E.L. Kasyanik - Minsk: RIPO, 2010. - S. 38 - 46.
  12. Makeeva, E.S. Features of the functioning of protective mechanisms and coping strategies among students in the humanities / E.S. Makeeva // Psychological support of the educational process: Sat. scientific work of RIPO. /Answer. editor: E.L. Kasyanik - Minsk: RIPO, 2011. - S. 145 - 150.
  13. Makeeva E.S. Management approaches in education: psychological aspect / E.S. Makeeva// Kiravanne at academia - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 24 - 28.
  14. Makeeva E.S. Psychological health of students: protective and coping aspect / E.S. Makeeva // Psychological support of the educational process: Sat. scientific work of RIPO. /Answer. editor: E.L. Kasyanik - Minsk: RIPO, 2013. - S. 128 - 132.
  15. Makeeva, E.S. Protective coping behavior and the level of self-regulation of students / E.S. Makeeva, // Psychological support of the educational process: Sat. scientific work of RIPO. /Answer. editor: E.L. Kasyanik - Minsk: RIPO, 2014. - S. 83 - 91.
  16. Makeeva E.S. Integral individuality and the level of self-regulation of students / E.S. Makeeva // Psychological support of the educational process: Sat. scientific work of RIPO. /Answer. editor: E.L. Kasyanik - Minsk: RIPO, 2015. - S. 183 - 189.
  17. Makeeva E.S. Socio-psychological climate of the student group / E.S. Makeeva // Psychological support of the educational process: Sat. scientific work of RIPO. /Answer. editor: E.L. Kasyanik - Minsk: RIPO, 2016. - S. 208 - 210.
  18. Makeeva E.S. Dynamics of the professional "Image-I" and the level of empathy of students-psychologists / E.S. Makeeva// Higher School: Problems and Prospects: Collection of Articles// XIII International Scientific and Methodological Conference: RIVSH, Minsk, 2018. - P.141-146.
  19. Makeeva E.S. Peculiarities of dynamics of professional self-relationship and achievement motivation of students-psychologists / E.S. Makeeva // Actual problems of the humanities and socio-economic sciences: Proceedings of the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference: Volsk, 2018. - P. 168 - 172.
  20. Makeeva E.S. Peculiarities of the dynamics of the professional Image-I and achievement motivation of students-psychologists / E.S. Makeeva // Theory and practice of vocational education: Scientific works of RIPO: Minsk, RIPO, 2018.- P 56 - 60.
  21. Makeeva E.S. Sidorova M.V. Conflictological competence of future economists: emotional and behavioral aspects / E.S. Makeeva, M.V. Sidorova // The current state of labor psychology and organizational psychology: Collection of scientific papers of the IP RAS: Moscow, 2018. - P. 201 - 210.
  22. Makeeva E.S. Sidorova M.V. Peculiarities of conflictological competence of students of the economic profile of education / E.S. Makeeva, M.V. Sidorova // Actual problems of psychology: science - practice: 9th interuniversity collection of scientific papers with international participation: Baranovichi, 2019. - C 43 - 49.
  23. Makeeva E.S. Sidorova M.V. Stress resistance and coping strategies of students as components of professional self-improvement / E.S. Makeeva, M.V. Sidorova // [Electronic resource]/ - 2019. Access mode: Access date: 11/29/2019.
  24. Makeeva E.S. Rifitskaya I.I. The level of stress resistance and style features of self-regulation of students-economists / E.S. Makeeva, I.I. Rifitskaya // Scientific works of the Republican Institute of Higher Education. Historical and psychological and pedagogical sciences // Sat. scientific Art. - Issue 20.: In 4 parts. - Minsk: RIVSH, 2020. Part 4. - P. 263-270.
  25. Makeeva E.S. Rifitskaya I.I. The relationship between the level of neuropsychic stress and the level of psychological well-being of the personality of students-economists / E.S. Makeeva, I.I. Rifitskaya // Scientific works of the Republican Institute of Higher Education. Historical and psychological and pedagogical sciences // Sat. scientific Art. - Issue 21.: In 4 parts. - Minsk: RIVSH, 2021. Part - 4 - P. 222-230.
  26. Makeeva E.S. Sidorova M.V. Socio-psychological adaptation and strategies for overcoming stressful situations of students of economic specialties / E.S. Makeeva, M.V. Sidorova // Scientific works of the Republican Institute of Higher Education. Historical and psychological and pedagogical sciences// Sat. scientific Art. - Issue 21.: In 4 parts. - Minsk: RIVSh, 2021. Ch. - 4 - P. 342 - 350.
  27. Makeeva E.S. Rifitskaya I.I. Features of mental states and the level of stress resistance of students of economic profile / E.S. Makeeva, I.I. Rifitskaya// Scientific works of the Belarusian State Economic University. - Minsk: BSEU, 2021. - Issue. 15.- S. 387-392.
  28. Makeeva, E.S. Rifitskaya I.I. Criteria for psychological health of economic students / E.S. Makeeva, I.I. Rifitskaya // Scientific works of the Republican Institute of Higher Education. Historical and psychological-pedagogical sciences // collection. scientific Art. – Issue 22: In 4 parts. – Minsk: RIVSH, 2021. Part 4 – pp. 59 - 65.
  29. Makeeva, E.S. Rifitskaya I.I. Vitality as a factor in the psychological well-being of students / E.S. Makeeva, I.I. Rifitskaya//Bulletin of MSLU Series 2. Pedagogy, psychology, methods of teaching foreign languages. – 2022. - S. .
  30. Makeeva, E. S. The relationship between self-efficacy, resilience and achievement motivation of students / E.S. Makeeva, I.I. Rifitskaya // Theory and methodology of vocational education. – Mn.: RIPO, 2023. (in print).
  31. Makeeva, E. S. Features of career orientations and level of aspirations of economic students / E.S. Makeeva, I.I. Rifitskaya // Scientific works of the Republican Institute of Higher Education. Historical and psychological-pedagogical sciences // collection. scientific Art. In 4 parts. – Minsk: RIVSH, 2023. Part 4. (in print).
  32. Makeeva, E. S. Personality-oriented approach in the professional training of future social work specialists / E.S. Makeeva // Modern technologies of social work: from theory to practice: collective monograph / rep. ed. N.N. Krasovskaya. – Minsk: BSU, 2023. (in print).


Conference materials:

1. Makeeva, E.S. Protective mechanisms of personality in the structure of self-concept of students-psychologists / E.S. Makeeva // Proceedings of the seventh intern. conf. "Socio-psychological rehabilitation of the population affected by environmental and man-made disasters" / Editorial Board: L.A. Parchment maker (editor-in-chief) and others - Minsk: NIO RB, 2000. - S. 132-133.
2. Makeeva, E.S. Protective mechanisms of personality in the structure of self-concept of students-psychologists / E.S. Makeeva // Problems of theoretical, experimental and applied psychology: Materials of the first student. m / f, scientific and practical. conf. - Minsk: BSPU im. M. Tanka, 2001. - S. 33 - 39.
3. Makeeva, E.S. Influence of the individual structure of protective mechanisms on the formation of the professional position of students-psychologists / E.S. Makeeva // Adaptation to professional activity as a psychological and pedagogical problem: methodological foundations, ways and means of solution: Materials of the international. scientific-practical. conf. (May 3 - 4, 2001).: At 4 hours - Baranovichi: BGVPK, 2001. - Part 4. - P. 36 - 42.
4. Makeeva E.S. Methodology for researching the problem of the influence of personality defense mechanisms on the formation of the professional position of psychology students / E. S. Makeeva // Materials of the VI Republican Scientific and Practical Postgraduate Conference, October 16 - 19, 2001. - Vitebsk: Vitebsk State University. P, M. Masherova, 2001. - S. 129-133.
5/Makeeva, E.S. Individual structure of psychological defenses of students-psychologists / E.S. Makeev // Actual problems of modern psychology: Materials of the second student. scientific-practical. conf. - Minsk: BSPU im. M. Tanka, 2001. - S. 73 - 79.
6. Makeeva, E.S. Methodological approaches to the study of professional self-consciousness of psychologists / E.S. Makeeva // Proceedings of the eighth intern. conf. "Socio-psychological rehabilitation of the population affected by environmental and man-made disasters" - Minsk: NIO RB, 2001. - P. 155 - 157.
7. Makeeva, E.S. Features of the development of professional self-consciousness of students-psychologists / E.S. Makeeva // Materials of the Republic. scientific conf. uch-Xia and stud. Belarus (December 11 - 12, 2001).: In 2 hours - Baranovichi: BGVPK, 2001. - Part 1. - P. 143 - 146.
8. Makeeva, E.S. The system of value orientations of students-psychologists / E.S. Makeeva // III International scientific-practical conference "Scientific, social and cultural problems of student youth". XII Republican scientific and methodological seminar "Experience and problems of organization of research work of students".: Sat.: At 2 hours. - Minsk: BSPU, 2001. - Part 2. - P.26 - 29.
9. Makeeva, E.S. Investigation of the features of the development of cognitive and emotional components of professional self-consciousness of students-psychologists / E.S. Makeeva // Theoretical and Applied Problems of the Psychology of Pedagogical Interpersonal Interaction: Proceedings of the Intern. scientific-practical. conf. (April 19-20, 2002): In 2 hours - Minsk: BSPU im. M. Tanka, 2002. - Part 2. - P.32 - 35.

10. Makeeva, E.S. Influence of the process of vocational training on the development of the emotional-value component of professional self-consciousness of students-psychologists / E.S. Makeeva // Theoretical and applied aspects of pedagogical and social psychology: Materials of the third republican stud. scientific-practical. conf. (April 25, 2002). - Minsk: BSPU im. M. Tanka, .2002. - P.59 - 61.
11. Makeeva, E.S. The level of development of the professional image-I and the degree of expression of the protective mechanisms of the personality / E.S. Makeeva // Proceedings of the international. scientific-practical. conference "Adaptation to professional activity as a psychological and pedagogical problem: methodological foundations, ways and means of solution" (May 3 - 4, 2002) - Baranovichi: BGVPK, 2002. - Part 1. - P.203-205.
12. Makeeva, E.S. Protective mechanisms of personality as a determinant of the development of professional self-consciousness of students-psychologists / E.S. Makeev // Materials of the I Republic. scientific-practical. conf. “For the development of the Polessye region - the energy of young scientists” (June 26 - 27) - Mozyr, 2002. - P.124-126.
13. Makeeva, E.S. Monitoring the development of professional self-consciousness of students-psychologists / E.S. Makeeva // Materials of interuniversities. scientific-methodical. conf. "Modern problems of the quality of higher education" (November 18 - 19) - Minsk: BSPU im. M. Tanka, 2003. - S. 212 - 214.
14. Makeeva E.S. Psychological strategies for experiencing difficult life situations among students of economic specialties / E.S. Makeeva // Economic Growth of the Republic of Belarus: Globalization, Innovativeness, Sustainability: Proceedings of the V Intern. scientific-practical. Conf.: Minsk, May 16-17, 2012. - Minsk: BSEU, 2012. - S. 278-280.
15. Makeeva, E.S. Psychological features of coping intellect among students-economists / E.S. Makeeva // Economic Growth of the Republic of Belarus: Globalization, Innovativeness, Sustainability: Proceedings of the VI Intern. scientific-practical. Conf.: Minsk, May 15-16, 2013. - Minsk: BSEU, 2013. - P. 132-134.
16. Makeeva E.S. Formation of a personal position and professionally important qualities in students-psychologists / E.S. Makeev a// Republican competition for ideological and educational work "I am a citizen of the Republic of Belarus": Minsk: RIVSH, 2013. - P. 101-103.
17. Makeeva E.S. Coping intellect among students of the social and humanitarian profile of education / E.S. Makeeva // Economic Growth of the Republic of Belarus: Globalization, Innovativeness, Sustainability: Proceedings of the VII Intern. scientific-practical. Conf.: Minsk, May 15-16, 2013. - Minsk: BSEU, 2014. - P. 98-100.
18. Makeeva E.S. Psychological health of students / E.S. Makeeva // Sakharov Readings: Proceedings of the XXI Intern. scientific-practical. Conf.: Minsk, MGEU im. HELL. Sakharova, 2015. - S. 198-199.
19. Makeeva, E.S. Psychological health and the level of self-regulation among students of the social and humanitarian profile of education / E.S. Makeeva // Economic growth of the Republic of Belarus: Globalization, innovation, sustainability: Proceedings of the VIII Intern. scientific-practical. Conf.: Minsk, May 18-19, 2015. - Minsk: BSEU, 2015. - P. 182 - 184.
20. Makeeva, E.S. Protective coping behavior and the level of self-regulation as components of students' psychological health / E.S. Makeeva // Psychology of personal and professional development of subjects of continuous education: Proceedings of the XI International scientific and practical. conferences: - Moscow: FBGLU "Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education", 2015. - P. 367-370.
21. Makeeva E.S. Psychological aspects of coping behavior of students / E.S. Makeeva // Sakharov Readings: Proceedings of the XXII Intern. scientific-practical. Conf.: Minsk, MGEU im. HELL. Sakharova, 2016. - P. 173 - 175.

22. Makeeva E.S. Strategies for overcoming difficult life situations and student achievement motivation / E.S. Makeeva // Psychology of personal and professional development of subjects of continuous education: Proceedings of the XI International scientific and practical. conferences: - Moscow: FBGLU "Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education", 2016. - P. 301-305.
23. Makeeva E.S. Socio-psychological climate of the student group as an indicator of the effectiveness of the educational process / E.S. Makeeva // Psychological support of education: theory and practice: Proceedings of the VIII Intern. scientific-practical. Conf.: Yoshkar-Ola, 2016. - P.113 - 116.
24. Makeeva E.S. Socio-psychological climate and the level of anxiety in student groups / E.S. Makeeva // Economic growth of the Republic of Belarus: Globalization, innovation, sustainability: Proceedings of the X International. scientific-practical. Conf.: Minsk, May 19-20, 2017. - Minsk: BSEU, 2017. - P. 219 - 220.
25. Makeeva E.S. Strategies for overcoming difficult life situations and the level of development of emotional intelligence of students of different profiles of education / E.S. Makeeva // Psychology of personal and professional development of subjects of continuous education: Proceedings of the XIII International scientific and practical. conferences: - Moscow: FBGLU "Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education", 2017. - P. 243-249.
26. Makeeva E.S. Study of students' conflictological competence: behavioral aspect / E.S. Makeeva // Economic growth of the Republic of Belarus: Globalization, innovation, sustainability: Proceedings of the XI Intern. scientific-practical. Conf.: Minsk, May 18-19, 2018. - Minsk: BSEU, 2017. - P. 229 - 230.
27. Makeeva E.S. The level of anxiety and conflict resistance as indicators of the effectiveness of the personal and professional growth of economic students / E.S. Makeeva // Philosophy and economics in the era of digital transformation: a collection of abstracts based on the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Minsk, December 15, 2020 / [ed. A.A. Golovach, D.G. Dobrorodny, T.P. Short, A.A. Pavilcha, V.A. Belokrylova, I.L. Vasilyeva]; EE "Belarusian State Economic University". - Minsk: BSEU, 2020. - P.341-345.
28. Makeeva E.S. Sidorova M.V. Implementation of the ideas of the resource approach in education / E.S. Makeeva // Philosophy and economics in the era of digital transformation: a collection of abstracts based on the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Minsk, December 15, 2020 / [ed. A.A. Golovach, D.G. Dobrorodny, T.P. Short, A.A. Pavilcha, V.A. Belokrylova, I.L. Vasilyeva]; EE "Belarusian State Economic University". - Minsk: BSEU, 2020. - P.346-351.
29. Makeeva E.S. The level of stress resistance and features of the dominant states of students-economists / E.S. Makeeva // Economic growth of the Republic of Belarus: Globalization, innovation, sustainability: Proceedings of the XIV Intern. scientific-practical. Conf.: Minsk, May 19-20, 2020. - Minsk: BSEU, 2020. - P. 301 - 302.
30. Makeeva, E.S. The relationship between the level of socio-psychological adaptation and the level of anxiety of students-economists / E.S. Makeeva // Economic growth of the Republic of Belarus: Globalization, innovation, sustainability: Proceedings of the XIV Intern. scientific-practical. Conf.: Minsk, May 17-18, 2021 - Minsk: BSEU, 2021. - P. 229 - 231.
31. Makeeva, E.S. Development of professional self-consciousness of students-economists: cognitive aspect / E.S. Makeeva // Economic growth of the Republic of Belarus: Globalization, innovation, sustainability: Proceedings of the XV Intern. scientific-practical. Conf.: Minsk, May 17-18, 2022. - Minsk: BSEU, 2022. - P. 258 - 259.

32. Makeeva, E. S. Communicative tolerance and decision-making style as factors in the personal and professional development of future social work specialists / E. S. Makeeva // Teaching social and humanitarian disciplines in higher education: problems and prospects: a collection of materials from the 20th scientific and methodological conference of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Belarusian State University, dedicated to the memory of prof. I.L. Zelenkova, March 31, 2023 / BSU, Faculty. philosophy and social sciences; [editor: N.V. Kurilovich (ed.), etc.]. – Minsk: BSU, 2023. – P. 162-164.
33. Makeeva, E. S. Achievement motivation and communicative tolerance as indicators of the effectiveness of professional training of students / E. S. Makeeva // Pedagogical science in the modern educational space: theory and practice of research (to the 135th anniversary of the outstanding domestic teacher A.S. Makarenko): collection of proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Moscow, April 28, 2023 / Under the general direction. ed. G.V. Barinova, S.N. Klimova: Ministry of Transport of Russia. Federation, Russian Federation University of Transport (MIIT), Russia. Open Academy of Transport. M.: LLC “Sam Polygraphist”; ROAT, 2023. – P. 195-204.